The process of transitioning an entire organization to a flexible, reactive approach based on agile principles. This is a complete transformation of the organization entirely. The goal is to bring new life into the organization by creating an environment that embraces creativity and innovation, empowering employees, and reducing unnecessary layers of management.
Nolij helps organizations in changing into Agile through cross-functional teams spanning requirements, configuration management, testing, operations, and deployment. Their expertise in each area lets us collaborate in a language familiar to each group. They know how to prioritize product backlogs and incorporate bug fixes into sprints.
Proven Agile Transformation Service Approach
To make the Agile transition a lasting success, Nolij recommends guiding principles for culture, communication, processes, tools, and training, having lead Agile transformations
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Objectives
Nolij offers experience in IV to ensure the MVP approach delivers quality products, Nolij offers experience in IV&V and quality assurance
Key Aspects of the transition Framework
Define organizational Agile Transition principles, Agile Scrum terminology, and Agile tool workflows, Nolij maps deliverables and milestones from waterfall to Agile
Agile for Release Management
Nolij uses industry-leading Agile tools to improve collaboration and save money faster by implementing Agile release management
Baked– in Quality and Risk Management
Performance quality and risk management throughout the sprint cycle, Nolij validates user stories against development and test requirements and embeds QC measures into our IV&V processes
Content Source: nolijconsulting.com